Geoff Harrison

It wasn't until I was in my mid 30's that I decided to take my interest in art seriously. I successfully enrolled in the arts degree course at RMIT at my second attempt in 1993. Just as well I didn't delay it any longer as the part time program ended not long after I graduated. I was still working full time back then. More recently I have been exhibiting at various venues around Victoria. Lately I have been exhibiting in inner Melbourne.
I am exploring 3 themes currently in my oil paintings; seclusion - where I focus on Melbourne's Botanical Gardens, expanse - vast empty spaces, interiors - the psychology of interior space.
In May I will be exhibiting at Tacit Gallery in Collingwood and I also have paintings out on loan to the corporate sector via Colourspace.
I also have a blog attached to my website where I comment on matters artistic, both historical and contemporary.