Lynne Kells

Lynne’s artworks are described as intuitive, meditations about issues and concepts concerning her. A favourite quote from Matisse is “Colour is your voice”. Lynne believes through her artwork she can communicate from deep within her soul that which she is often unable to put into words. Colour lifts her mood and stimulates her mind.
Lynne has a focus on abstract and representative styles in in a variety of mediums including Acrylic, Watercolour, Alcohol ink and mixed media. Lynne has previously also exhibited Ceramics, Textiles and Sculpture. Due to her MS and MI, Lynne has had to change her style to accommodate her abilities.
A member of Dax Studio, Nova Art and Studio A, MAVA Collective and Boroondara Creative Network.
Untrained traditionally, a Diploma of Social Science/Arts from Melbourne University included Art, Dance, Drama, Literature, and Music and awakened an urge to further her art career.
Lynne explores techniques and media, inspired by others such as the artists exhibiting and studios tenants at Kinross Arts Centre at Toorak, where she works one day/week as a Gallery Assistant helping with administration, promotion, curation of exhibitions and hosting events.
Lynne has exhibited at: Hawthorn Arts Centre, Rotary Camberwell and Knox Art Shows, INCUB8R Prahran; The Track Gallery Mt. Waverley; AGRA Camberwell; Hawthorn Community House; 345ac Mont Albert; Duldig Studio Malvern; Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre; Kinross Arts Centre, Toorak; Camberwell Civic Centre; Sacred Edge Queenscliff; MS Connect Nerve Centre Blackburn; Manningham Arts Centre, MC2 Doncaster; Augustine Hall Habitat Spirituality Centre, Hawthorn; Gallery 314 Richmond; Shop fronts in Burke Rd Camberwell; Mental Health Foundation Aust Vic, Sth Yarra; Federation Square; Southern Buoy Studios Mornington; The Hut, Fern Tree Gully; Art Red Hill; The Dax Centre Carlton and Roberts McCubbin P.S., Box Hill South.
Lynne has works in the Neami and Monash City Council collections.