Rachel Williamson

ChazownCreative Fine Art

Hello, I'm Rachel Williamson. I live in Melbourne, Australia with my husband and two children. I was born here, but grew up in Canada and moved back on my own in my mid twenties.
I started ChazownCreative in 2020 after carrying this dream in my heart for a long time. After a time of soul searching new growth, I stepped out in fear and faith to share my acrylic and water colour paintings. I started my business, Chazown, meaning 'to dream, to have a revelation or vision', which is what is at the core of this venture.
My work primarily focuses on capturing an element of nature that inspires or a human interaction. As a creative, it is my joy to reflect the beauty I see around me and try and emulate a snippet of it, in turn, creating my own commenting piece for others to enjoy. My aim is that my Art would inspire others creativity and affirm their identity, while you enjoy the artistry of nature.