Melbourne and Victorian Artists Inc
BSB 633 000
Acc 178 715 918

How do I find the right artist for me?
There are a few suggestions for finding the right artist. If you know the type of artwork you are looking for, painting, ceramic, jewellery, street, etc., you can go straight to our Artist Directory page and select 1 of the 16 categories available. Alternatively, you could check out Our Shop for ideas or view All Artists.
How do I contact an artist?
Once you find the artist you are interested in, contact details will be shown on their profile.
What questions do I ask an artist for a commission?
How long is it expected to take to create?
How much deposit is required?
Is shipping included in the price?
What methods of payment are available?
The methods of payment available on our website are direct bank transfer and PayPal. If you are commissioning artwork directly with an artist, the payments will be arranged through their preferred method.
What are your Store Terms, Condition and Policies?
All the information regarding this can be found by clicking here.
How do I upload/change the photos on my listing?
To upload or change your profile or artwork images, please email them to mavaemail@gmail.com with the subject “Directory Update”. (Image max 1MB)
How do I change my bio on my listing?
Any changes to your directory listing can be done by completing the Directory Form which can be found on the Members Only page.
How do I add my website/social media accounts to my listing?
Any changes to your directory listing can be done by completing the Directory Form that can only be found on the Members Only page.
Benefits of keeping your bio updated on the listing.
This goes without saying. It’s important to keep your bio updated, so potential clients know that you are active and what you are currently working on.
How do I become a Site Member?
To become a site member, you can go to the menu bar and visit our Membership page to view options. Once approved you will have the option to purchase an annual membership and gain access to Members Only resources.
What's the difference between a Site Member and a Paid Member?
Once approved by the website manager, being a site member gives you to access to purchase a Membership Plan. Paid Members have full access to all members pages and the Artist Directory Listings.
Membership plans
There are a few options for membership. There are options for monthly payments, yearly payments, or a 2 year membership via 2 x yearly payments. Visit our Membership page for more information.
How do I check the status and expiry date of my plan?
Log in to your profile and select My Membership Plan.
Member Benefits
Being a member gives you access to the Members Only page, including a forum, opportunities to exhibit online, and MAVA group exhibitions. Members are also able to attend meet-ups, special events, attend workshops at discounted rates, access to resources, network with other members, feel part of a welcoming art community, have the opportunity to be featured on our Instagram account, by using our hashtag #mavacollective.
Making the most of my membership
There are many ways to make the most of your membership. Some suggestions are; attending events to meet other members, enter members exclusive exhibitions, visit the Forum to ask questions, find answers via the contact us page. Keep your profile up to date and remember to use our #mavacollective on your Instagram posts and message us to request a feature.
What can I do to increase my chance of being seen?
To increase your chance of exposure, remember to use #mavacollective on Instagram posts. To increase your chance of having your Instagram stories shared, be sure to tag @mavacollective and send us a message on instagram. Being active within MAVA social media platforms will also increase your chance of exposure. If you are a paying member, you can also have a free directory listing. Visit the Members Only page to register. If you are not a member, then visit our Membership page.